Sunday 30 December 2012

Goodbye 2012 & Hello 2013

Hello Everyone,

I know that I have gone Missing In Action (MIA) for the longest possible time, till the last day of the year.

Mainly, this is due to work commitment which had me flying around like a chicken without a head, the following photo best sum up how I feel.

Thus, I have decided to write a simple post to recap on what's have happened in Year 2012 on this last day of the year and probably my "possible" resolutions for Year 2013.

For Year 2012, and the things that I have did wrong:
  • Been drinking way too much till the cows come home, although it is mainly for work, but I too blamed am for it too, perhaps the drinking demon in me is growing without me realising the damage that I am doing to my body and to my love ones, which resulted in me losing my driving licenses Class 2B, 2A, 2 & the beloved 3.
  • Been smoking like a chimmey, that I must admit is harder to quit this disgusting habit which have been part of my lifestyles for too many years.
  • Been running or exercising too little, and still am a FAT, handsome &SHORT Boy.
  • Been eating like a pig, and never know when enough is enough, for my own good.
  • Been talking with a loud speaker as if I am deaf, or making the people around as deaf as I am.
  • Been hot headed with a short fuse, that never resulted in any good outcomes, which I should know better.
  • Not showering enough love and attention to my closest one, especially my Missy, who has to bear with all my B.S and nonesense, for the rest of our lifes.
  • Not spending enough time with Missy, and most likely my aged parents.
  • Been taking holidays with my BlackBerry also at an arm's lenght.
  • Plainly, I have been Ivan for too long and I do sometimes hate myself too much. 
For Year 2012, and the things that I did somewhat right:
  • Working like a bitch and achieving a record year for the company, which I hope will resulted in more $$$, so that I can provide a better quality of life for my love ones.
For all the wrongs I have done, I can only find one right.

Which makes me to conclude that "Life's a BITCH"

So for Year 2013, I will try:
  • Start a family with Missy (Be it a boy, a girl, a twins or a triple), and I promise to wake up in the wee hours to feed it and change any dirty diapers thrown at my face. 
  • Spend some more time and pay attention to my closes family and friends.
  • Drink less and not offer to get drunk unless I really feel like it
  • Eat less unless I am really hungry or love the food that's on the table too much
  • Smoke much much less and hope that I will eventually get rid of this disgusting habit and optionally be a poster boy for a quit smoking campaign.
  • Achieved work-life balance
  • Get back my driving licenses. 
  • Finally, be a BETTER IVAN... maybe
Maybe, I should have this photo posted on my laptop as my wallpaper, just to remind me to do the followings:

 Wish me luck folks, and hope for the best.

Again, a HAPPY NEW YEAR and do spend more time with your love ones.


Till the next time,
I.T. @2012